Joining forces with top-notch brands
Being involved in our partnership with Rovio, the creators of Angry Birds, was a real treat for me. I don't think I've ever partnered with a more dedicated team. Their responsiveness, professionalism, and kindnesses were a steady source of inspiration to me as we built these fun, fact-filled books.
These products were a team effort every step of the way. Our editors worked closely with Rovio and gave us the materials to create good design at very early stages. Rovio always came through with the best resources for each design. We never had to worry about missing pieces. If there was something that just needed to be created from scratch, we were either given new pieces of art or had the go-ahead
to create our own—always pending a fast-moving approval process.
When showing the work, Rovio's comments were always spot-on and were delivered in the friendliest, most constructive ways. I'd leave those meetings with a fresh perspective and an inspired eagerness to make adjustments and reimagine the necessary materials. Both the partnership and process led to well-executed, fresh designs.
Then there was Star Wars, an expanded partnership between Lucasfilms, Rovio, and National Geographic Books. We were given access to the entire Star Wars art catalogue, and received the most beautiful Angry Birds Star Wars material you could imagine. I don't think I've ever had as much fun putting together a book. What a great learning experience with some amazing people.