Okay, this is more of an imagined desk than my actual desk. Ahhh, Photoshop. You're fun.
Thanks for checking out my website. Most of the work here is the result of 23 fun years with National Geographic as an award-winning Art-Design-Creative Director. I spent eleven of those years leading the design and visual development of National Geographic Kids, the ever-growing multi-million dollar global brand which appears in magazines, books, apps, games, and products.
Contact info:
e: jhalling1@gmail.com
c: 301.452.1480
My career with Nat Geo, in a nutshell:
• 4 years leading visual teams at National Geographic Core Books. Two as (masthead) Creative Director of the design and photo teams for this 58-million dollar in-house publishing division. Subjects include: photography, atlases, health, narrative non-fiction, science, travel guides, history, and magazines
• 3 years as Design Director for National Geographic Children's Publishing. After unprecedented growth with the pre-tween and tween magazines, I was asked to direct the design and visual branding strategies for NG Children's Publishing. There, I guided a substantial change in the branding and identity of our children's book products while continuing to oversee the development of visual strategies for NG Kids and Little Kids branded properties.
• 11 years directing the visual teams for National Geographic Kids magazine. As Design Director, I led a team of designers and photo editors to usher in the reimagined World magazine as National Geographic Kids. Our strategy, which included testing and targeted marketing efforts from an extraordinary team, took readership from 700 thousand to over 1.3 million tween subscribers, the largest circulation kids magazine in the world. During this time, we also created and launched the very successful National Geographic Little Kids magazine and developed several magazine prototypes.
• 3 1/2 years as Associate Art Director (2 as Assistant AD) with National Geographic Traveler magazine under Keith Bellows, editor extraordinaire.
• 3 1/2 years as Art Director for NG Marketing Services, designing direct mail packages, brochures, and a wide variety of marketing material for groups within the Society.