I am a fan of almost all things comedic and value laughter more than a lot people I know. (Sure, I probably need to get out more, but it's true.) It gives me pleasure to spot subtle humor that's been appropriately tucked into the pages of a book or magazine, added to a website, or placed in the background of a television show or movie. For me, the best part is that it's unexpected.
When I was design directing the Kids magazine, I always kept in mind that our marketing surveys found a lot of parents (and grandparents) were reading the magazine with their children. So every once in a while, we would try to add something they might appreciate.
One of my favorites occurred in an NG Kids lemur story. We were finding image after image of the animals "dancing" about, and it hit me that they are very humanlike. So I Googled a few famous dancers and had a good laugh when I landed on Fred Astaire.